domingo, setembro 17, 2006

Phones make you miserable

We are always waiting for the phone to ring…we bought them for the most ridiculous reasons that our mind can think of, we bought them because we needed to stay in touch with our family, with our friend, because of work…several are the reasons.
But when it comes to that phone call that you’re really waiting for, the phone never rings, you spend most of your time looking at it, has if the phone would talk to you, and say “give up, it’s never going to happen”, phones make you miserable!
My friends usually hold the phone near them, they look at it at the same time, then, the eyes cross with each other, they put the shoulders down and just look miserable for the rest of the night…
Sometimes you wait a lifetime for something wonderful to happen, but it never does, it kills you inside, and it dies in silence, because you’ll never be able to face, and tell the truth to yourself. Blasted phones that live in your bags, that make you cry so often, it’s just a call, not your entire life, but it’s so easy to see your life trough just one moment that you easily forget all the others that can happen, and make you happy.
I have two phones…they usually never ring, they ring when it’s my birthday, my father always remembers me, my mother argues with me when it comes to that difficult day of the month then she always calls, my brother always wants to talk about his new girl friend…my friends always want to hear me laugh, and say, has I always do “ Things will turn up fine, you’ll see…”, I may not believe in that all the time, but boy…it tastes so good to think like that, that’s why, I never cry when my phone doesn’t ring, I’ll always have someone out there that I know that loves me, and that I, in the middle of my simple life, love too.
So, put your phone in a drawer, let it be there, if someone misses you…the drawer will open for sure, for the phone will be ringing all day long :D