terça-feira, agosto 30, 2005

I'm replying to you...

Sometimes we give up hope, we start to look around and there's nothing near that would make a difference in your life. But today something strange happened, something amazing, I was reading my endless blogg and I noticed that I had a comment in my last one, it was written in English so, it was easy for me to understand it, althoug I'm a Portuguese girl this language has always been a good part of me. It said that he had read what I had written, and liked it, it was a bit strange because I usually write everything in Portuguese, but I felt happy because he had read my blogg!!!
So I went to his blogg too, read his sad story, made me notice that sometimes all the stupied problems that I have with me and my conscience are so small in comparison with serious matters like his life. So, I decided to tell you and the world that I have read your blogg too, and that I liked it a lot, I was so suprised to know that somehow, in this crazy world that we live in, we can still find people that are kind, honest, hard working, and able to make a change in a litle boy's life. I felt glad because You found John, I want to find my "John" too, someone that gives me hope to believe that sometimes things aren't that bad, a friend my dear, a good friend is what we all need, and when I look around me, I know that this is nothing but an ilusion, the people that surround me are nothing but people that work in the same place that I do, my only friend, my only good friend is my father, the only man that I know that will love me for the rest of his life, the only person that I know that would never, ever, lie to me. People here lie all the time, I don't really think that they even know that they are lying, I hate beeing here, and my blogg is the only way that I have to make my pain go away. It all started when a good friend of mine died, it was then, when I realised that I was lonely, and would be for a long time. I wonder if you did understand what I said, I wonder what sort of meaning my words had in you...
Thanks for given me hope in people, I was starting to give up!